Seminar "Challenges of the CELAC 2015 Summit"

The Regional French Cooperation for Latin America, together with the Latin American Center for European Relations (CELARE), the European Community Studies Association in Chile (ECSA Chile), the Delegation of the European Community in Chile and the Andrés Bello Diplomatic Academy, organizes the Seminar “Challenges of the CELAC-EU Summit 2015”.

This event is primarily aimed at academics, professionals, students and general public interested in learning about the development and prospects of the EU-LAC Summit 2015, the 5th EU-CELAC Business Summit and the 2nd EU-CELAC Academic Summit that will be held in Brussels in June 2015. Several ambassadors and experts from both regions will present the key aspects in order to understand and reflect on the progress and challenges of the bilateral relations between Latin America and the Caribbean and the European Union.

Free entrance with previous online registration.

Click here to see the program (in Spanish)