Second World People's Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth

David Choquehuanca Céspedes was designated Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Plurinational State of Bolivia in January 2006. Since the 1980s Mr Choquehuanca has dedicated his life social and political activities in support of the rural and indigenous communities.

The Second World People's Conference on Climate Change and Defence of Life, held in Tiquipaya-Bolivia from 10th to 12th of October 2015, a space in which the peoples came together for the second time to present their ideas, principles and demands regarding the global climate crisis, set out that a world change of the civilizational model is necessary to save Mother Earth.

In accordance with the conclusions of the Conference, the civilizational and cultural model of “Vivir Bien”, a paradigm of life and peace, shall replace the model of the capitalist system. This is the vision of Bolivia for the COP21. The “Vivir Bien” wants people to leave a good life with themselves, with the others and with the nature surrounding them. Within the “Vivir Bien” paradigm all people and living beings that inhabit this planet have the right to life. In this context, Mother Earth has the right to adapt gradually to climate change. (Read paper)