Second Preparatory Meeting of the EU-LAC Academic Summit

For the first time, academic institutions from Latin America, the Caribbean and the European Union will be holding an Academic Summit in the days prior to the EU-LAC Summit of Heads of State and Government. The Academic Summit will take place on 22 and 23 January 2013. A first preparatory seminar was held in Paris on 7 June 2012.

The second preparatory meeting of the Academic Summit, took place on 8 and 9 October 2012 in Lima, Peru. It was hosted by the Peruvian College of Engineers and was open to wide participation from the academic sector. The event was organized with the collaboration of the EU-LAC Foundation, Institut des Amériques, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of France, CELARE and of the First EU-CELAC Summit. 

To visit the official webpage of the I Academic Summit (in Spanish), please click here

You can find a link to the "Lima Act" (in spanish) further down on this page.