Sanitation and nutrition: Should we link them together in our development actions?

This conference-debate will be dedicated to the theme sanitation and nutrition, in accordance with the UN "Sanitation and nutrition World Day". The conference will aim to respond the following questions, based on the fact that just few development actors include nutrition in their water and sanitation operations: Why do they fail to take it into account? What are the barriers? Would building stronger links between sanitation and nutrition significantly reduce malnutrition? Is there not the risk that wanting to address all topics in the same development action would lead to none of them being addressed?

The event will be coordinated by Emmanuelle Bastide, journalist at RFI and will count with the presence of François LOMPO (in videoconference), Minister of Agriculture, Water Resources, Sanitation and Food Security in Burkina Faso - Cassilde BRENNIÈRE, Head of AFD’s Water and Sanitation Division at AFD, - Jean LAPÈGUE, Technical Advisor for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene at the Scientific and Technical Department of Action Against Hunger (ACF) - France Frédéric NAULET, cHead of Drinking Water and Sanitation Programs at GRET.

For further information and to register to the event please visit the official website here