Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Signes the International Agreement Transforming the EU-LAC Foundation into an International Organisation

This morning, the 7th of July, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines signed in Brussels the agreement that transforms the EU-LAC Foundation into an international organisation. This makes St. Vincent and the Grenadines the 53rd signatory of this agreement.

Up to today four Members have ratified the agreement, namely: Belize, Hungary, Latvia and Sweden. The threshold for entry into force of the Agreement Establishing the EU-LAC International Foundation is eight ratifications from each region.

The EU-LAC Foundation has been operating with a transitory status under German civil law since November 2011, yet the swift ratification of the Agreement will allow it to be recognised as a genuine bi-regional organisation and be better equipped for the fulfillment of its ambitious mandate.


Picture ©European Union