Results Call for Proposals EU-LAC Cultural Identities

The EU-LAC Foundation is pleased to announce the winning proposal in the framework of the Call for a compilation of testimonies on the cultural identities of European diasporas in Latin America and the Caribbean or Latin American and Caribbean diasporas in Europe:

  • 1st Place: "Women of the Ecuadorian diaspora in Genoa. Identity and memory".

by Emy Daniela Díaz Erazo, Master in International Relations, Diplomacy and Foreign Policy, Instituto De Altos Estudios Nacionales.

We warmly thank the people from both regions who participated in the competition, as well as the outstanding experts who made up the final judging panel:

  • Dr Laura Álvarez López, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Romance and Classical Studies, Stockholm University.
  • Dr Matilde Laura Velasco Ortiz, Research Professor in the Department of Cultural Studies at El Colegio de la Frontera Norte.

The final version of the winning proposal will be published in a book by the EU-LAC Foundation in its two working languages (Spanish and English) in 2022 and the winner will receive a prize of 1,800.00 € (one thousand eight hundred euros).


About the Call for Proposals EU-LAC Cultural Identities

The cultural ties between the European Union and Latin America and the Caribbean form one of the pillars of the bi-regional strategic partnership, which is why the EU-LAC Foundation has as one of its fundamental purposes "to foster cultural cooperation between the two regions".

In this sense, the main objective of the Call was to present unpublished testimonies on transnational migration and diasporic experiences between generations of European immigrants in Latin America and the Caribbean or Latin American and Caribbean immigrants in Europe, as a way to contribute to mutual knowledge and better understanding between the two regions.

For this first edition, applicants from EU-LAC Foundation member countries submitted their proposals, individually or collectively authored, for evaluation by a jury of independent international experts. The proposals were evaluated according to the criteria of originality, thematic relevance and compliance with the formal requirements of the Call for Proposals.