Representatives of several organisations meet to celebrate the II EU-LAC Youth Days

The II EU-LAC Youth Days that take place today and tomorrow in the city of Zaragoza, Spain, is organised by the EU-LAC Foundation with the support of the Government of Aragon, and aims at bringing together organisations that promote youth volunteering between the European Union (EU), Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC).

For two days representatives of organisations from Latin America, the Caribbean and the European Union will have the opportunity to share experiences on the conditions and factors that facilitate and/or limit the participation of young people on a voluntary basis in solidarity programmes in different countries. In this sense, the Conference provides spaces for the proposal of common initiatives to face the challenges and seize the opportunities to expand this participation in the inter-regional volunteer programmes.

This activity is part of the Foundation's mandate to work within civil society actors and bring them closer to the processes of bi-regional dialogue and, thus, to facilitate a greater cooperation between organisations and institutions that promote international youth volunteering between the EU and LAC, by identifying the obstacles to improving a widespread dissemination, coordination and organisation of solidarity exchanges between young people in both regions.

The first edition of the Youth Days was held in 2015 under the theme "Decent Employment" in Quito, Ecuador, under the auspices of the Government of Ecuador and with the support of the Latin American and Caribbean Youth Forum, the European Youth Forum and the International Labour Organisation.

The EU-LAC Foundation is funded through voluntary contributions from its Member countries, in particular the European Union and Germany.