Regional social policies. Latin American and European experiences and challenges

The Polo MERCOSUR Foundation – Institut des Amériques, Centro Latinoamericano para las Relaciones con Europa (CELARE) and the regional delegation for cooperation with the Southern Cone and Brazil of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France are co-organizing a Conference on 20 and 21 November 2012 in Montevideo, Uruguay. The event is sponsored by the Latin American Integration Association (ALADI) and supported by the Social Institute of MERCOSUR.

It is entitled “Regional social policies. Latin American and European experiences and challenges” and will analyse existing social policies in the framework of the main integration processes in Latin America and Europe. The event will also offer the opportunity to government officials, academics and members of the civil society to exchange their views on the topic.

You may download the programme of the Conference (in Spanish), further down on this webpage.

If you wish to participate in the event, please email