Reflection forum: Latin America and the Caribbean in a Context of Change: Opportunities and Challenges for the EU

The EU-LAC Foundation and the SEGIB are pleased to announce the reflection forum “Latin America and the Caribbean in a Context of Change: Opportunities and Challenges for the EU”. This event seeks to promote an informal political dialogue to debate the meaning and reach of the economic and political space that Latin America is constructing, its international insertion and future projection, at the same time as the opportunities that may arise from these factors for the EU in an international setting characterised by increasingly challenging demands for competitiveness and by fast and intense processes of change in power and wealth.

 Inauguration by:                      

                                                Wolfgang Schmidt, State Secretary to the Senate Chancellery of Hamburg

                                                Stephan Steinlein, State Secretary, Federal Foreign Office, Germany

                                                Benita Ferrero- Waldner, President of EU- LAC Foundation

                                                Roland Schäfer, Director for the Americas, EEAS

                                                Enrique Iglesias, Secretary General of SEGIB