RedGob 2016: Annual Conference supported by the EU-LAC Foundation

Paris. The ESSEC Business School in Paris hosted this year’s annual conference organised by the Euro-Latin American network of governance for development – Red Euro-Latinoamericana de Governabilidad para el Desarrollo (RedGob) under the topic “Higher Education Governance from a Compared Perspective: a vision from Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean”.

The EU-LAC Foundation co-funded this event following its commitment to enhance mutual understanding between the EU and Latin America and the Caribbean, promote fruitful exchanges and network opportunities among civil society from, and to the consolidation of a common EU-LAC area of higher education, science and technology.

The President and Executive Director of the Foundation participated in the conference where academics, researchers and leaders of renowned universities and other institutions shared ideas and analysed the current situation of higher education in the two regions, global trends in competition and collaboration between institutions and perspectives into the future. Collaboration in the area of higher education is one of the key working areas under the EU-CELAC Action Plan and for the EU-LAC Foundation.

RedGob was launched in 2003 as a space for reflection and debate on issues of gobernability, public policy and development in Latin America and the Caribbean by contrasting and comparing the experiences of Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, which has since then evolved into a forum whereby both regions can mutually learn for each other’s experiences. Its founding members include the Instituto Internacional de Gobernabilidad de Cataluña and the University of Salamanca in Spain, the GIGA Institute of Latin American Studies in Germany, the Nuffield College at the University of Oxford in the UK, the Institute for Political Studies in Paris (Sciences Po) from France, as well as the European mission of the Inter-American Development Bank.

You can find information about this conference on its official website.