Public Dialogue on Peace and Reconciliation in Colombia

The "Learning from Leaders" research project investigates how political leaders bridge the gap between elite-level national peace negotiations and peace and reconciliation efforts at the local level. This public dialogue, hosted by SOAS, examines the Colombia civil conflict, bringing together political leaders from different sides of the conflict. They will discuss (in a fluid dialogue format) their experiences within the Colombian peace process and lessons for the current context of talks between the Colombian government and the FARC rebel group.

This seminar is chaired by Dr. Andrei Suarez-Gomez, researcher at the National Centre for Historical Memory in Colombia as well as member of the Sussex Centre for Conflict and Security Research (SCSR), Rodeemos el Diálogo (ReD), and founding member of British Academics for a Colombia Under Peace (BACUP).

Speakers: Rosa-Emilia Salamanca, senior adviser and former executive director of Colombia’s Association of Interdisciplinary Work, and Carlos Velandia, former guerrilla fighter and former member of the national leadership of the National Liberation Army (ELN). After 10 years in prison and 7 years in exile he is now a peace activist in Colombia, and has published numerous articles on the Colombian peace process.

For details please check the oficial website here.