Promoting the Integral Development in Balance with Mother Earth

Ricardo Rojas Quiroga is director of the Joint Mechansim of Mitigation and Adaptation of the Plurinational Authority of the Mother Earth of Bolivia.

This paper is a contribution to the EU-­LAC Foundation’s Newsletter edition of December 2014 dedicated to the theme Climate Change. This text is an English translation. Please check the original paper in Spanish following the link…

The Plurinational State of Bolivia is pioneer in promoting a new vision of development based on “Live Well in harmony with Mother Earth” as an alternative for the commodification of the environmental functions, unsustainable growth and accumulation of wealth. In the process of institutionalising this vision of development, the President of Bolivia, Evo Morales, adopted the Framework Bill Mother Earth and Integral Development to Live Well Framework- Nr. 300, which establishes an oriented vision to guarantee the continuity of the regeneration capacity of components and life systems of Mother Earth, retrieving and strengthening local and ancient knowledge.

In this context, one of the development pillars of this country's vision is the construction of the Joint Mechanism of Mitigation and adaptation for the integral and sustainable handling of the forests and Mother Earth, presented by Bolivia in The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change as a holistic and integral proposal allowing the objectives of reducing forest degradation and reducing poverty to advance, strengthening the livelihood of local populations in the framework of a mitigation and adaptation approach to climate change, opposing the proposal for Reducing the Emissions from Deforestation and degradation of forests (REDD+) based on green economy. (read paper)