President and Executive Director of EU-LAC Foundation participate in II Preparatory Seminar for III EU-LAC Academic Summit

Stockholm. Dr. Leonel Fernández Reyna and Paola Amadei, respectively the President of the EU-LAC Foundation and the Executive Director, were in the Swedish capital on the 6th and 7th of October. They held a meeting with the State Secretary to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Annika Söder, in which they presented the work and plans of the Foundation. They have also explored areas of cooperation with this Member State.

The two heads of the Foundation, also took part in the 2nd Preparatory Seminar of the 3rd CELAC-EU Academic Summit, organised by the European Institute of International Studies in cooperation with the Permanent Academic Forum EU-CELAC. The objective was to advance the implementation of the Euro-Latin American and Caribbean Common Area in Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation.

President Fernández addressed the participants at the seminar’s opening ceremony. Moreover Dr. Fernández delivered a keynote speech in the University of Stockholm about the Dominican writer and politician Juan Bosch. In the second day of the seminar, the Executive Director, participated in a session where the preliminary conclusions of the study by FLACSO Spain, titled “Institutional and Normative Basis of a EU-CELAC space for Higher Education”, were presented.

This research is financed by the EU-LAC Foundation with a subvention from the Spanish Government, through the Secretariat of State for International Cooperation and for Ibero-America.

The aim of this research is to contribute to advances in the consolidation of a common bi-regional area where the circulation of scientific knowledge and human resources would be optimized.

The final report can be found soon here. For pictures please visit our Flick account.