Presentation of the Study on Intra-industrial Trade at the Santiago de Compostela University (USC)

On the 12th of July 2016, the study 'Progress in the Pattern of Intra-industrial Trade between the European Union and Latin America: The Cases of Brazil and Mexico' was presented at the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) with the presence and interventions by Juan Viaño Rey, the Dean of the USC, Emilia Vázquez Rozas, Head of the Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences, Oscar Rodil Marzábal, Professor at USC and lead researcher of the study, Jorge López Arévalo, Professor at the Autonomous University of Chiapas, México and co-author of the study and Anna Barrera, Programme Coordinator at EU-LAC Foundation. 

During their interventions they thanked the Foundation for the support provided to the research team in the creation and publication of the study. Furthermore, they praised the authors for their great work of analysis, which included an expensive number of statistics and data about the intra-industrial commerce.  

The study looks into the commercial and productive relationships between the European Union (EU) and Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), with a particular focus on Brazil and Mexico and their main European trade partners.

On her side, our Project Coordinator Anna Barrera apart from congratulating the authors of the study, gave a presentation on the EU-LAC Foundation and its several initiatives directed to the academic community. These include calls for research projects, an extensive digital library, and the endorsement of young researchers through the publication of their articles and/or thesis in our Newsletters. Additionally, she had meetings with Jesús Saavedra from the Center for European Studies and Documentation from the USC and with María Isabel Casal Reyes, Director of the University Library at USC. 

The University of Santiago de Compostela published a news article in accordance to this event, which can be found here (in Gallego)