Presentation: “Peru - Country of Hidden Treasures”

In the presentation “Peru - country of hidden treasures” organised by the Business Office of Peru in Germany we invite the listeners to a journey through one of the most versatile countries in the world. Peru stretches from the desert on the coast, crossing the snow covered peaks of the impressing Andes, to the exuberant nature of the amazonian rainforest. The speaker of the night will be Angelina Arlinghaus and the presentation will be held in the facilities of Instituto Cervantes on the 9th of November.

To find more information about the event, please visit this webpage.

This event is organised within the framework of Lateinamerika Herbst, an annual Cultural Festival in Hamburg. From the 21st September to the 21st December, a series of events and a cultural programs will take place in the city, which will involve political aspects, cultures, and lifestyles from Latin America and the Caribbean. For more information, please visit the official website (in German).

The Lateinamerika Herbst is promoted by the EU-LAC Foundation, the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, the Museum of Ethnology in Hamburg, and the German Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs.