Preparatory Seminar for the Second EU-LAC Academic Summit in Guadalajara

The Preparatory Seminar for the 2nd EU-LAC Academic Summit, organised by the University of Guadalajara in Mexico, will be held between 25 and 26 November 2014 in Mexico. The Seminar will gather important actors from both regions in order to strengthen the integration of higher education, scientific research and innovation systems and to promote the collaboration between the higher education institutions and their relations with the society and the production sector.

The Seminar, promoted among other institutions, by the Executive Secretariat of the Permanent Academic Forum from the EU-LAC Summit and the EU-LAC Foundation, is part of the objectives agreed in the Santiago Declaration, with the view to the 2nd  EU-LAC Academic Summit in Brussels in 2015.


For more information please visit the website of the University of Guadalajara (in Spanish).