Portuguese Ministry of Solidarity, Labours and Social Security

The Ministry of Solidarity, Employment and Social Security guarantees that every citizen enjoys the universal right to welfare and to retirement pensions. It develops, implements and supports social action programmes designed to improve families' living conditions and to promote equal opportunities in childhood, youth, active ageing, dependency and immigration among ethnic minorities and other groups in vulnerable situations. The Ministry approves and implements measures which support the family, help people choose to have children and reconcile work and family life, and which defend children and young people's rights, preventing situations that might affect their safety, security, health, training, education or complete development.
Geographical level
Type of organisation
Public Institutions
Area of interest
Governance, Political Affairs
Economy and Sustainable Development
Corporate Social Responsibility
Social Affairs

38.7407223, -9.137116

Praça de Londres, 2 - 1049-056 Lisboa
