Policy Challenges in Latin America: Looking to the Future

The EU-LAC Foundation, together with the German Institute for Global and Area Studies - GIGA, held the Conference "Public Policy Challenges for Latin America and the Caribbean" on 7-8 April in Hamburg. This biannual event brings together experts and research institutions from the EU and CELAC.

The conference addressed some of the persistent challenges facing countries in the region as they recover, such as limited fiscal space, gaps in social protection, labour informality, education and health, and high levels of violence and migration, and paid attention to the challenges of climate change and energy policies. It also addressed stability and democratic quality, and elections and changes of government. Finally, it addressed the current crisis of Russia's war in Ukraine and its geopolitical implications for the region and for EU-LAC/German-LAC relations.

The conference brought together the views of some twenty specialists in political science, sociology, and economics, as well as officials from the German Foreign Ministry.

Based on the discussions and reflections of this conference, the EU-LAC Foundation and the GIGA will prepare a Policy Brief with recommendations for decision-makers.