Photography Exhibition: After Schengen - European Borders

In the framework of the European week (Europawoche) in Hamburg, the Instituto Cervantes, with the support of the Senate of Hamburg and the Mercator Foundation, hosts the photography exhibition “After Schengen - European Borders” by Ignacio Evangelista. The 16 pictures exhibited depict former border crossing points, today abandoned since the adoption of the Schengen agreement, which abolished internal border controls and implemented a common visa policy in 26 European countries.

Through the exhibition, M. Evangelista gives the viewers the possibility to gaze into the past from the present and encourage reflection on the outcomes and progresses of this treaty, as only 30 years ago freedom of movement in Europe was just an idea.  The exhibition was inaugurated on 2nd of May and included a discussion between Pedro Eusebio Cuesta, Director of Instituto Cervantes in Hamburg, Henrik Lesaar, Head of European Policy of the Hamburg Senate and the photographer Ignacio Evangelista, and counted on the presence of M. Wolfgang Schmidt,  State Secretary of the City of Hamburg.


For more information, please visit the official website of the photography exhibition here and those of Instituto Cervantes here.