Partnerships and Multi-Stakeholders’ Engagements: Democracy, Knowledge, Gender Equality and Just Transitions


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Bearing in mind its mandate and role as a genuine instrument endowed with the mission of building bridges and facilitating exchanges between civil society and governmental actors from Latin America, the Caribbean and the European Union, the EU-LAC Foundation has played an active role in bringing into dialogue CSOs and political decision-makers from both regions in the framework of the EU-CELAC Summit of Heads of State and Government to be held on 17-18 July 2023.

This meaningful role is been achieved through the organisation of thematic and sectoral Fora with Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), the purpose of which has been the development of recommendations and proposals for the bi-regional cooperation to be transmitted to Member States in the framework of the EU-CELAC Summit.

Following up on the EU-LAC Forum of JournalistsKnowledge Forum, Gender Equality Forum, and Just Transitions Forumthe EU-LAC Panel "Partnerships and Multi-Stakeholders’ Engagements: Democracy, Knowledge, Gender Equality and Just Transitions" aims to present the conclusions, contributions and policy recommendations of these Civil Society Fora to the EU-CELAC Summit of Heads of State and Government. The EU-LAC Panel "Partnerships and Multi-Stakeholders’ Engagements” will be held at the "EU-Latin America and the Caribbean Forum: Partners in Change" organised by the European Union on 13 and 14 July 2023, in Brussels, Belgium.