Participation of the EU-LAC Foundation in the Latin American Week in France 2016

As in the previous years, the EU-LAC Foundation participates in the activities of the Latin American Week in France 2016. In the first place, the Foundation co-organised the Conference “Capitalizing on managerial and cultural ties between Europe –Latin America and the Caribbean, to promote sustainable development“ along with its strategic partner L’Institut des Amériques (IdA) and the Centre d’Etudes et de Recherche Amérique Latine Europe (CERALE) of ESCP Europe, with the support of the Research Centre for Energy Management (RCEM) and the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development.  

The Conference was held on 30-31 May in a format of round tables and plenary sessions. It addressed relevant topics on “elective affinities” and sustainable development, including public policies management, enterprises internationalization dynamics, ‘Born global Firms’ and international SMEs in a bi-regional environment, Corporate Social Responsibility, among others. The Executive Director Paola Amadei, participated during the opening session and the President Leonel Fernández, made a presentation along with the President of the IdA Jean-Michel Blanquer on “Higher Education and cooperation between Europe and Latin America & the Caribbean”. He highlighted the importance of a process on academic cooperation that includes all the actors concerned, i.e. students, alumni, professors, deans and countries from both regions.  

On behalf of the EU-LAC Foundation, the Programme Manager Renaud Guillonnet presented the study on Corporate Social Responsibility, published last year. Additionally, he presented the Foundation’s initiative on Competitive districts.  

Furthermore, the President Fernández and the Executive Director Paola Amadei attended the reception extended by the French President François Hollande at the Élysée Palace on the occasion of the Latin American Week. Prominent political actors also attended this reception, including the President of Peru Ollanta Humala or the former President of Colombia Ernesto Samper.

Leonel Fernández also participated in the third Ministerial Council Meeting of the OECD on the 2nd of June, in which a new Regional Programme for Latin America and the Caribbean was launched.

On Friday 3rd of June the President Fernández was speaker at the 8th International Economic Forum of Latin America and the Caribbean New challenges and innovative Partnerships in a Shifting World, co-organised by the OECD, the Inter American Development Bank and the French Ministries of Economy and Finances. His participation was held in the framework of the panel session “Redefining partnerships to support inclusive and sustainable growth”.

Besides the aforementioned participations, the EU-LAC Foundation’s representatives held relevant meetings during the week, including among others, with the General Secretariat of SEGIB, Ms. Rebeca Grynspan, the Director of the OECD Development Centre, Mr. Mario Pezzini, the Director for Latin America at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France, Ms. Kareen Rispal, the Director for Americas at the European External Action Service, Mr. Roland Schäfer and CEO of the Avina Foundation, Mr. Gabriel Baracatt.