Participation in the 8th CEISAL International Conference and establishment of framework cooperation agreements with CEISAL and University of Salamanca

The EU-LAC Foundation’s President, Dr. Leonel Fernández, and the Executive Director, Paola Amadei, actively participated in the CEISAL 8th International Conference, themed “A Post-Hegemonic Era: Society, Culture and Politics in Latin America”. The conference was co-organised by CEISAL (European Council for Social Research on Latin America) and the Instituto de Iberoamérica of the University of Salamanca and took place from 28th June to 1st July 2016 at the Instituto de Iberoamérica in Salamanca (Spain).

The Conference brought together more than 2300 specialists of Latin American Studies in order to reflect on different topics of social sciences, including among others, social anthropology, political science, demography, gender studies, communication and law. Its main purpose was to broaden the knowledge of the social, cultural, economic and political realities in a post-hegemonic era. Leonel Fernández led the closing session of the Conference on 1st July.

On 30th June and 1st July, the EU-LAC Foundation representatives signed framework cooperation agreements with the University of Salamanca and CEISAL, respectively. Both agreements state the intention and interest of these institutions for collaborating in different ways, including technical cooperation, sharing of information, databases and collaboration opportunities, as well as providing visibility to their activities through website, social media platforms, newsletters, etc.

These agreements reaffirm the commitment of the EU-LAC Foundation to the development bi-regional research, networks and synergies among academic actors from both regions and their participation in the bi-regional process, in accordance with the EU-CELAC bi-regional Declarations and Action Plan.


For more information on the 8th CEISAL International Conference, please visit the official website here.