Paola Amadei, Executive Director of the EU-LAC Foundation, in Lisbon

The Executive Director of the EU-LAC Foundation, Paola Amadei, is in Lisbon to participate in the Strategic Triangle Meeting: Latin America and the Caribbean - Europe - Africa, organized by the Institute for the Promotion of Latin America and the Caribbean (IPDAL), together with personalities such as Paulo Moita de Macedo, President of the Executive Committee of Caixa Geral de Depósitos, Paulo Neves, President of IPDAL, and in the presence of numerous Ambassadors accredited in Portugal.

On the other hand, Ambassador Amadei participated in the opening of the II Forum Portugal - Caribbean - Central America, which is organized by IPDAL together with the EU-LAC Foundation.

The EU-LAC Foundation has among its priorities the promotion of these sub-regions in its annual plan of activities. During these meetings, Ambassador Amadei will emphasize the transformation of the EU-LAC Foundation into an international organization on May 17.