Pandemic & Infodemic: Experiences of journalists in the EU, Latin America and the Caribbean

Click here to read the report or watch the video on the webinar.

Guiding questions: 

  • What are the main difficulties journalists face during the COVID-19 pandemic? 
  • How can the situation of journalists be improved?
  • How can future collaboration between journalists be ensured?

The participating panellists were Ángel Badillo from the Elcano Royal Institute in Spain, Wesley Gibbings from the Association of Caribbean Media Workers in Trinidad and Tobago, Tom Hennigan from the Irish Times in Brazil, Adriana León from the Instituto Prensa y Sociedad in Peru, Tatiana Mora, an independent journalist in Chile, Óscar Schlenker from Deutsche Welle in Venezuela and Helene Zuber from Der Spiegel in Germany.