Open Science Virtual Dialogues: Innovations, Challenges and Projections for the Future based on an Inter-Regional Dialogue

Read the report here!

Watch the first day here on YouTube!

Watch the second day here on YouTube!

Together with OBREAL Global, the EU-LAC Foundation organised two virtual dialogues on 6 and 7 April 2022 and a panel at the third UNESCO World Higher Education Conference (WHEC 2022) in Barcelona from 18-20 May 2022 on Open Science: Innovations, Challenges and Projections for the Future based on an Inter-Regional Dialogue.

Open science has risen to the top of the international scientific agenda because of its relevance for research and equal access to knowledge and scientific production. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Directors-General of UNESCO, the World Health Organisation, and the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights issued a call for open, inclusive, and collaborative science. However, dialogues and cooperation on open science between the EU and LAC, and between them and other regions of the world, have been scarce, so it can be assumed that the facilitation of spaces for such exchanges could unleash synergies and innovations in this area. In this context, the EU-LAC Foundation and OBREAL Global are organising these two events with the aim

  • To provide spaces for dialogue, exchange, and training among institutions, professionals, and experts in the field of Open Science from LAC, the EU, and other regions, to increase connections, collaborations, and synergies among these actors;
  • Collect proposals from institutions and experts regarding tools, technical solutions, and practices relevant to the different regional and national contexts to help make the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science and other similar recommendations effective at the regional and national levels;
  • Develop relevant inputs for the Third UNESCO World Higher Education Conference based on the results of the reflections generated during the previously organised webinars;
  • And enhance EU-CELAC bi-regional dialogue and cooperation on Open Science as a key pillar of multi-regional dialogue and cooperation in this field.

To this end, the EU-LAC Foundation and OBREAL Global invited a group of leading institutions and experts from Latin America and the Caribbean, the European Union, Africa, and Asia to two initial virtual dialogues on 6 and 7 April 2022 that served to organise a discussion which will lead to a document that served as input for the WHEC 2022 discussions and based on which an inter-regional panel promoted by the EU-LAC Foundation and OBREAL Global will be organised at the hybrid WHEC from 18-20 May 2022.