Open Call for the reception of the lectures for the IV History Students International Congress “America and Europe: A shared history”

The International Congress of History Students is an academic event organised as part of the academic activities of the History Students’ Centre of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Universidad Nacional Mayor of San Marcos. The aim of this event is to create an international space for students to share and debate the latest issues in history investigation.

Therefore, a call for presentations for the fourth edition of this International Students’ Congress is now open.

The requisites for presenting in this congress are the next ones:

- Write a paper of minimum 10 and maximum 15 pages in length.

- Fill in the presentation registration form (available on the event web site)

- Send the draft and the presentation registration form to the address:, including the subject line: Your Name IV CIEH.

The deadline is 30 May 2014.

Please click here for further information.