Online Discussion about Data Gaps on Gender Equality enters its third week.

The online discussion about Data Gaps on Gender Equality on the Wikigender site, open from 27 January to 14 February, concluded its first two weeks with great participation, demonstrating the interest and importance of these issues.  

The Wikigender discussion is organised by the OECD in association with the EU-LAC Foundation, the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE), the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), the United Nations Foundation, Paris21 and HBSC. 

During the first week, the discussion about women’s socio-economic empowerment was extremely interactive. In general, participants agreed that there has been progress in the area of data disaggregation by gender and gender-sensitive data, as well as in the analysis, quality and dissemination of gender statistics.

Participants also emphasised the need for further data collection at the national level and in specific sectors such as agriculture.

Furthermore, new priority areas of research regarding women’s socio-economic empowerment were suggested, like time-use, unpaid work, social norms, fiscal policy and technology.

Over the course of the second week, the enriching discussion focused on identifying the progress, the gaps and the opportunities for improvements in terms of violence against women data.

On the one hand it became clear that data gaps are mainly at sub-regional level and the biggest problem lies in definitions when collecting data, primarily about what is meant by violence. On the other hand, the need to deepen the use of statistical and attitudinal data when making estimates on violence against women was highlighted.

The discussion continues in its third and final week, focusing on civic and political participation of women.

The EU-LAC Foundation once again invites you to participate in the discussion by visiting the Wikigender website and leaving your contribution in the comments section.

The online discussion is part of the EU-LAC Foundation’s efforts to promote the exchange between the European Union and Latin America and the Caribbean on gender equality. The three topics discussed on the Wikigender site throughout these three weeks of discussion are also  the themes introduced in the EU-CELAC Action Plan of Santiago de Chile under this chapter. To read the Santiago Action Plan please click here.

Read the results of the first week’s discussion about women’s socio-economic empowerment here.

To access to a summary of the results of the second week’s discussion on Violence against women please click here.