Online discussion about Data Gaps on Gender Equality

From 27th January to 14th February 2014 an online discussion about data gaps on gender equality is opened in the webpage of Wikigender.

The last EU-CELAC Summit has introduced the theme of gender in the Action Plan 2013-2015. The main action areas within the subject are: political participation of women, violence against women and economic empowerment. In this framework, the EU-LAC Foundation, in association with the OEDC, EIGE, ECLAC and other international organisms, seeks to promote the discussion and awareness to this pivotal subject. The main themes for debate are scheduled as follows:

Week starting 27 January: The socio-economic empowerment of women

Week starting 3 February: Violence against women

Week starting 10 February: The civic and political participation of women

The outcomes of the discussion will be synthesized in a final report and presented at a side event organized by the OECD Development Centre, Overseas Development Institute (ODI) and the UK Department for International Development (DFID) in March 2014, during the 58th session on UN the Commission on the Status of Women in New York.

We encourage you to participate on this debate and contribute in this way to assure a better and deeper knowledge about the subject. It will be possible for anyone to participate by entering into the webpage of Wikigender.