Nordperu: North Peru: People – Myths – Nature, Photography by Heinz Plenge

Heinz Plenge is a renowned contemporary Peruvian photographer who has exhibited in most of Latin American, Canada, China, England, Japan and the United States. His photography illustrates many archaeology, flora and anthropology books. This exhibition, organised by the Hamburg Ethnographic Museum in cooperation with the Peruvian Consulate and Economy and Trade Office in Hamburg, presents the following themes of the vast portfolio of Plenge: archaeology, working life, food and spices, celebrations, urban life and fauna. The pictures depict the culture of North Peru, in the High Andes and the Amazonian region, its wide geographical spaces and the seaside.

The photographs showcased in the Museum demonstrate the intimate access to the people and worlds depicted, which allows a close look to today’s reality in Peru. The collection registers the fascinating wealth of Peru in its historical and contemporary cultural diversity dimensions.

The vernissage of the 24 September marks the official inauguration of the Latin American Autumn in Hamburg (Lateinamerika Herbst), sponsored by the EU-LAC Foundation, the City of Hamburg and the Ethnographic Museum.