New publication: Resources, inequalities and development of rural territories in Latin America, the Caribbean and Europe

Every year since 2012, the EU-LAC Foundation organises with its strategic partner Institut des Amériques (IdA) and supported by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the French Cooperation Agency (AFD), an international colloquium within the Latin America and the Caribbean week in France. The Colloquium is focused on a topic of importance for the EU-Latin America and the Caribbean Association, and invites distinguished experts from the EU and LAC to present and discuss the results of recent analyses and participate in the formulation of policy recommendations.

In 2019, the central theme of the event was "Resources, Inequalities and Development of Rural Territories in Latin America, the Caribbean and Europe", coordinated by Martine Guibert (Université Toulouse 2 - Jean Jaurès and UMR CNRS LISST/Dynamiques rurales) and Éric Sabourin (CIRAD and University of Brasilia). The general objective of this colloquium was to address, from a comparative geographical perspective, the problems related to rural territories and their economic and ecological sustainability.

This publication, which resulted of the 2019 Colloquium, presents a large part of the contributions presented during the two days of the evemt, with twelve articles organised in four thematic parts. Depending on the author, the article is written in French, Spanish or Portuguese.