The Need to Build a Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean Based on Knowledge

Some countries in Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean have experienced in recent decades high rates of economic growth, thus finding a better way to cope with the crisis, which has been accompanied by a strong social development. Although these countries live through different situations, we all find ourselves in a key moment to make decisions that allow us to star in a new type of insertion into the economy and politics of the world. The need for the existence of Europe, Latin America and Caribbean which are organized around knowledge focuses all eyes of the University. Universities accept that challenge and moreover, they have joined their strengths to become more competitive in their social function of promoting development. Indeed, this objective is what has brought together the heads of Latin American universities last July in the city of Rio de Janeiro, in the III Meeting of rectors of Universia. Read Paper

Manuel J. López is the President of CRUE (Conferencia de Rectores de las Universidades Españolas) and Dean of the University of Zaragoza. This paper is a contribucion to the EU-LAC Foundation's Newsletter of September 2014 dedicated to higher education.