Multilateralism and Regionalism in challenging times: Opening Session

Watch this opening session on YouTube!

This opening session is part of a webinar series called "Multilateralism and Regionalism in challenging times: relations between Europe and Latin America and the Caribbean" and will focus on the topic of "The relevance of the EU-LAC bi-regional association in challenging times".

The Covid-19 pandemic has aggravated the multiple crises faced by the international system and multilateral institutions. The rise of scepticism towards the scientific community and multilateral institutions has brought significant challenges to international cooperation regarding several global agendas. Considering this pressing global scenario, this series of webinars aim to shed some light on how these contemporary challenges have been affecting the inter-regional relations of the European Union (EU) with Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) when it comes to concrete topics of the agenda such as democracy, climate change, trade, human rights, health, science and technology. By gathering experts on these fields and representatives of EU-LAC stakeholders from the two regions to discuss key topics on the bi-regional agenda, this series of webinars will provide a constructive environment to reflect upon the current challenges faced by EU-LAC inter-regional relations and possible solutions which may support actors from the two regions to overcome recent difficulties by supporting joint bi-regional coordination. 

This webinar series is jointly organised by the Regionalism Observatory (San Tiago Dantas Graduate Program in International Relations - UNESP, UNICAMP-SP, PUC-SP, Brazil), Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies (KU Leuven, Belgium) and the European Studies Section (University of Coimbra, Portugal), and sponsored by the EU-LAC Foundation (international organisation based in Hamburg, Germany), and aims to foster fruitful debates on pressing topics of the bi-regional agenda, thus providing a constructive and reflexive dialogue among politicians, academics and civil society groups involved in EU-LAC relations.

The initiative was selected in the framework of the EU-LAC Foundation's "IV Annual Call for Co-organising Events on topics relevant to the bi-regional partnership between the European Union (EU), Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)".

The Webinar Series will be broadcasted via Zoom (with EN/ES simultaneous translation) and on Youtube, from 1 September to 6 October from 4pm to 5h30pm (Central European Summer Time – CEST).

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