Multilateralism and Regionalism in challenging times: "Health and Science & Technology"

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This fifth panel is part of a webinar series called "Multilateralism and Regionalism in challenging times: relations between Europe and Latin America and the Caribbean" and will focus on the topic of "Health and Science & Technology".

Considering that health policies and dynamics trespass borders and that investments and efforts on Science & Technology directly affect how each country and region responds to different health and sanitary threats, this panel aims to discuss the main issues and bottlenecks in such areas both in the European Union and the Latin America and Caribbean region, as well as in the relation between the two regions.

Speakers in this panel are invited to address the following questions:

  • What is the state of health policy cooperation in the European Union?
  • What have been the main actions and limitations of the LAC efforts in the health and sanitary arena? How have LAC countries incorporated their regional efforts and decisions into each individual national context? And, what have been the main problems in surpassing common health problems?
  • What can EU-LAC cooperation do to surpass common challenges in Health, Science and Technology? Are there ‘sleeping beauties’ in the current EU-LAC interactive frameworks that could be activated or enhanced in order to improve cooperation and effectiveness?

This webinar series is jointly organised by the Regionalism Observatory (San Tiago Dantas Graduate Program in International Relations - UNESP, UNICAMP-SP, PUC-SP, Brazil), Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies (KU Leuven, Belgium) and the European Studies Section (University of Coimbra, Portugal), and sponsored by the EU-LAC Foundation (international organisation based in Hamburg, Germany), and aims to foster fruitful debates on pressing topics of the bi-regional agenda, thus providing a constructive and reflexive dialogue among politicians, academics and civil society groups involved in EU-LAC relations.

The initiative was selected in the framework of the EU-LAC Foundation's "IV Annual Call for Co-organising Events on topics relevant to the bi-regional partnership between the European Union (EU), Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)".