Mr. Antonio del Valle on Tribuna América de Inversión

The Consejo Empresarial de América Latina Capítulo Ibérico (CEAL Ibérico) and Casa de América organise a talk with Antonio del Valle, Director of Bx+ and shareholder of Banco Popular. Del Valle is one of the most renowned entrepreneurs in business circles and specialised publications (like Forbes and Grupo Expansión) and currently serves as Honorary President of Business Groups Kaluz, Honorary President of Mexichem as well as several directing boards.

The event is held in the framework of Tribuna América de Inversión, a new space for debate organised by CEAL Ibérico and Casa América where renowned entrepreneurs will present their investment plans and discuss the economic outlook of Spain and Latin America. Fernando Gualdoni, chief editor of the “Business” section of “El País”, will chair the event.