Mission of the Executive Director of the EU-LAC Foundation to Rome

The Executive Director of the EU – LAC Foundation, Paola Amadei was in the Italian capital, on the 8th and 9th of May, to take part in the International G7 Seminar: "Globalization, incorporation and sustainability in the global century", in the framework of the Italian presidency of the G7. The Executive Director of the EU – LAC Foundation, Paola Amadei intervened in the panel on ‘Globalization, Protection and Protectionism’.

The work agenda included work meetings with the Director for Latin America in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation as well as the signing of a Cooperation Agreement between the EU-LAC Foundation and the Italo-Latin American Institute (IILA); an international and intergovernmental organization with more than 50 years of experience, that is comprised of the governments of twenty Latin American countries along with that of Italy. Such an agreement adds to the others that have already been signed with other organizations from both regions and is in accordance with the philosophy of the Foundation to establish an extensive network of collaboration for the benefit of the bi-regional partnership.