Mission of the Executive Director of the EU-LAC Foundation to Lithuania and Latvia

The Executive Director of the EU-LAC Foundation, Paola Amadei will be in Lithuania and Latvia, from the 13th to 16th of June to participate in the presentation of a market study on the e-government sector in Chile and Costa Rica and business opportunities for the Baltic countries.

The market study has been developed within the scope of the European and Latin American Business Services and Innovation Network program (ELANBiz), a European project that offers specialized information services to SMEs and European organizations interested in doing business in Latin American Markets. The same market study is expected to be launched in Estonia on the 20th of September in the framework of the Latin America Business Forum to be held in Tallinn during those days.

This activity, promoted by the EU-LAC Foundation, is part of a series of actions dedicated to the promotion of the Baltic Countries that the Foundation is carrying out this year with the aim of reinforcing mutual knowledge between CELAC and EU countries, especially those that have traditionally been less involved in the strategic partnership.

The work agenda of the Executive Director of the Foundation will include work meetings with representatives of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the two respective countries and with other entities, including the European Institute for Gender Equality in Vilnius.

During her official visit, the Executive Director will get to know about the repositories of the Foundation's publications: the Martynas Mažvydas National Library in Lithuania and the National Library of Latvia. In both countries she will visit the technological innovation centres; Vilnius Tech Park (Vilnius) and IT Demo Centre (Riga), together with representatives of the European program ELANBiz and local authorities.

On June 1st, Latvia deposited its instrument of ratification of the Constitutive Agreement to transform the EU-LAC Foundation into an international organization, thus being the third Member to ratify this Agreement. The transformation process of the Foundation into an international organization requires 16 ratifications, equally distributed between the EU and CELAC members.