Mission of the EU-LAC Foundation to El Salvador

The President of the EU-LAC Foundation, Leonel Fernández, and the Executive Director, Paola Amadei, will be in the capital of El Salvador from the 25th to the 30th of June to participate in the Preparatory Meeting for the Knowledge Summit of Academic and Scientific Institutions at the University of El Salvador .

This preparatory meeting organised by the same university, CSUCA – Central American University Council and the EU-LAC Foundation, is part of a series of the latter’s actions dedicated to the promotion of academic and scientific cooperation which the Foundation actively promotes with the aim of contributing to the creation of the CELAC-EU Higher Education Space.

The work agenda includes meetings with the Minister of Foreign Affairs Hugo Martínez, the Minister of Education, Carlos Canjura and Dr. William Mejía from the Ministry of Science and Technology, with the objective of discussing the agenda for the CELAC-EU Summit. In addition, the Executive Director will meet with the CELAC and EU Ambassadors in the city and the Eurochambers as well as other stakeholders.

This occasion will be marked by the presentation of the study: "Institutional and Normative Basis for the Construction of the European, Latin American and Caribbean Space of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation" prepared by the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO) – Spain, which was financed by the EU-LAC Foundation, with funding from the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Relations and Cooperation, as part of its commitment to support the bi-regional collaboration in higher education.