Mexico at Ditchley Park Conference

The Ditchely Foundation and the Government of Mexico organize a conference entitled Reform and change in Mexico, in coordination with El Colegio de Mexico and HSBC, as part of the Education and Innovation activities of the 2015: Year of Mexico in the United Kingdom. The meeting will bring together senior officials from the Mexican and British governments, entrepreneurs and experts on Mexico of various nationalities.

The Conference programme includes two plenary sessions during the first day to discuss the reform process carried out by the Mexican Government and analyse the steps required to further modernize the country and strengthen the rule of law and the national institutions. On the second day, participants will be divided into working groups to participate in three sessions on the following topics:

a) Reforms… those adopted and those still needed

b) Politics and Society

c) Mexico’s place in the international community

On the last day, a Round table will be held, in which the Rapporteur and the chairman of each Working Group will deliver a report on the discussions of each topic. A Final Report will be drafted with the conclusions of the meeting.