Message from Dr. Leonel Fernández – Earthquake in Ecuador and tornado in Uruguay:

On behalf of the EU-LAC Foundation and myself, we send our most sincere condolences to the Peoples of Ecuador following the violent earthquake that stroke the country. The EU-LAC family shares Ecuadorians’’ pain in these sad moments and is solidary with the families of the fatal victims of this terrible catastrophe.

Ourt thoughts are also with Uruguay and thousands displaced by the tornado that hit the country these days. 

From here, we wish a speedy recovery of the survivors, as well as the areas affected by the earthquake and tornado. Today, more than ever, we strengthen our friendship ties and fraternity that have always united our regions, so as to confront any adversity. That God give them the necessary strength and guide them through the hardship ahead.

Dr. Leonel Fernández

EU-LAC Foundation President