Meeting “Strategies for internationalisation in higher education and investigation”

The Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3 University, in collaboration with the Institute of Latin American Studies (IHEAL), the Institut des Amériques and the European Council for Social Research on Latin America (CEISAL), are organising a meeting on “Strategies for internationalisation in higher education and investigation”.

The event will be held within the framework of the Latin American and Caribbean Week in France and in connection with the upcoming EU-CELAC Academic Summit that will take place in Brussels. The purpose is to bring together leaders in higher education and research to reflect over the present and future of the university partnership between Latin America and France. It is also intended to include a presentation on the evolution of the French system, explore new ways to optimise the coordination between France and Latin America and swap stories on best practices.

To check the complete programme (in French) please click here.

For more information on the event please check the official website (in French).