Meeting of the Social Circus: “Successful experiences in working with young people in situations of social vulnerability”

Circo del Sur will organize in October 2019 the Social Circus Meeting of Latin America in the City of Buenos Aires, to contribute to the knowledge that exists in the field of this art and its enormous capacity to generate personal, community and social transformations.

The objective that we propose is to produce exchanges and reflections on the different practices, programs and projects of the Region and the World, showing concrete results of the interventions in different countries, contributing to the systematization, professionalization and collectivization of experiences to favor growth of the circus as transformative art, expanding its possibilities of development in impact on vulnerable youth.


• Make the Social Circus visible as a relevant strategy for social, community and personal transformation.

• Strengthen the good practices of Social Circus in the region to improve and expand its impact on young people and the community.

• Generate a space for reflection on the management of art projects transforming Circus.

• Strengthen the circus sector and the production of knowledge.

• Strengthen ties between social circuses in the region, positioning Buenos. Aires and Circo del Sur as promoters and pioneers in their development.

Circo del Sur articulates with Cirque du Soleil through its Cirque du Monde Program who will support as organizer and financier of the Meeting together with other Latin American organizations concerning the subject.


Date: October 17-19, 2019

Place: Buenos Aires, Argentina