Meeting: Nordic perspectives on Strengthening Higher Education

On June 2-3 2016 a Meeting of Nordic Stakeholders took place in Stockholm in order to discuss the “Nordic Perspectives on Strengthening Higher Education, Research and Innovation Cooperation with Latin America & Caribbean”. It offered a platform to discuss cooperation opportunities and challenges for academic institutions from the Nordic, Latin American and Caribbean countries and to learn more about the each Nordic higher education system.

The specific objectives of this meeting were the information and experiences exchange between Nordic countries on the current state of higher education and scientific cooperation and priorities, the identification of possible sinergies and increasing awareness of the EU-CELAC Academic Summit and the EU-CELAC Joint Initiative for Research and Innovation (JIRI) as potential platforms for Nordic-Latin American cooperation.

Paola Amadei, Executive Director of the EU-LAC Foundation, attended the meeting and participated in a session on ongoing frameworks for EU-CELAC STI (Science, Technology and Innovation) cooperation.

The meeting was organised by the European Institute of International Studies (EIIS) in cooperation with the Government Offices of Sweden and the project FinCEAL, and with the support of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Finland as well as the Embassies of Peru and Colombia.