Meeting with Luis Felipe López-Calva, Director of UNDP for Latin America and the Caribbean

The Executive Director of the EU-LAC International Foundation, Dr Adrián Bonilla and the Senior Programme Coordinator, Ernesto Jeger, held a working meeting with Luis Felipe López-Calva, Regional Director of the United Nations Development Programme for Latin America and the Caribbean and Diego Zavaleta Reyles, Senior Advisor on Strategy and Partnerships UNDP Latin America and the Caribbean, where they discussed the possibility of both institutions carrying out some joint activities throughout 2021 and 2022.

During the meeting, issues related to sustainable development were discussed, with the aim of deploying joint activities and producing spaces for the dissemination of specialised information relevant to the bi-regional relationship between the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean.

Among the joint opportunities is the possibility of cooperating in the elaboration of "Policy Papers" for decision-makers in both regions on sustainable development and governance, as well as the organisation of events on topics such as "Tourism and Blue Economy" and "New Financing Mechanisms for Development", the latter taking advantage of the 20th anniversary of the Monterrey Consensus to be celebrated next year.