Meeting with Gonzalo Gutierrez, Peruvian Ambassador in Belgium and Mission to the EU

Our Director Adrián Bonilla and the Ambassador of Peru, Gonzálo Gutierrez, discussed the current context of the bi-regional partnership between LAC and the EU and the importance of the Foundation playing a leading role in promoting the visibility of the bi-regional relationship.  

They agreed on the importance of the Foundation in the creation of bi-regional spaces or platforms, which serve to propose analyses and reflections in the different areas relevant to the strategic partnership, which are elevated to the process of political dialogue between both regions. In this sense, there was a more in-depth discussion on the next EU-LAC Forum of Reflection that will address the issue of multilateralism and bi-regional partnership in the Covid era. 

Finally, it was agreed to coordinate the signing of the Foundation's Agreement with the Diplomatic Academy of Peru in the coming weeks, as well as the Tribute Event to the late Ambassador Jorge Valdez, Peruvian diplomat who was the founding Executive Director of the EU-LAC International Foundation.