Meeting with CARIFORUM Group of Ambassadors in Brussels, coordinated by Sieglien Burleson, Suriname's Ambassador to the EU

As part of his visit to Brussels, our Director Adrian Bonilla met with the CARIFORUM Group of Ambassadors in Brussels, currently coordinated by Sieglien Burleson, Ambassador of Suriname, on the strategic vision of the Foundation in the current context of the bi-regional relationship between the two regions, and the importance of promoting the visibility of the material existence of the strategic relationship. 

They also discussed the importance of promoting and enhancing the participation of the Caribbean countries in the initiatives that the Foundation will carry out in the coming years, in addition to making progress in institutionalizing partnerships and cooperation with Caribbean academic and civil society organizations. 


Finally, they took stock of the current status of ratifications and accessions to the Constituent Agreement establishing the EU-LAC International Foundation by the Caribbean Members.