Management and information systems for the development of research in universities

From June to August 2021, the EU-LAC Foundation, OBREAL Global Observatory (OBREAL Global) and the Colombian Association of Universities (ASCUN) jointly organised the "Cafés Mimir Andino: Strategies to promote research and innovation in universities".

The virtual dialogue series was designed to serve the projects partner universities and especially their research leadership. The objectives of this activity were:

  • Exchange ideas about the implementation of research management and the model developed in the framework of the Mimir Andino Project;

  • To offer a space for networking among leaders in research management;

  • Promote bi-regional and international dialogue, relating the themes of the dialogues to different political, economic and social contexts.

Each session featured one or two experts from Europe and/or Latin America who shared reflections and examples on a specific topic; a research and innovation management leader associated with the Mimir Andino Project moderated the space and addressed questions to the expert(s); a group of rectors and vice-rectors from Andean Universities attended the dialogue and were invited to share ideas and experiences, and articulate additional questions to the guest expert.

This report features the key messages of the fourth Café Mimir Andino "Management and information systems for the development of research in universities".

Check out the video of the Webinar in Spanish here!