Leire Pajín: The feminine face of COVID-19

The President of the EU-LAC Foundation, Leire Pajín Iraola, contributed with an article to the latest number of the Iberoamerican General-Secretariat's journal "Pensamiento Iberoamericano".

The journal Pensamiento Iberoamericano analyses the most important issues of economic, political and social development on both sides of the Atlantic. This 10th edition with the title "COVID-19 and gender" draws on the views of a group of distinguished women professionals, economists, sociologists, political scientists and representatives of international organisations on the effects of the coronavirus pandemic, especially on women.

In her article "The feminine face of COVID-19", Leire Pajín Iraola addresses the increase in global inequality as a result of COVID-19 from a gender perspective. She reviews how COVID-19 impacts specific aspects in the areas of health, the economy, work, the care system, and gender-based violence.

Leire Pajín Iraola also offers recommendations for including a gender approach in the response to the pandemic, with a firm commitment to strengthening commitments to the 2030 Agenda and the bi-regional partnership between the European Union and Latin America, and the Caribbean as an opportunity for an inclusive and sustainable recovery from this global crisis.

From the EU-LAC Foundation, in the coming months, we will promote actions and activities that contribute to weave a bi-regional roadmap for an equitable and sustainable response to this crisis, addressing with special attention gender equality, equitable access to vaccines and treatments by all regions, but especially in Latin America and the Caribbean, and the necessary economic recovery and reduction of social inequality.

Access the article in the attachment or review the complete journal in our Virtual Library here. Please note, that it is only available in Spanish.