Lecture “Latin America and the Caribbean – European Union Strategic Partnership: paradigm shift and opportunities for Ecuador”

On 23rd October 2013 the EU-LAC Foundation President Benita Ferrero-Waldner delivered a lecture in Quito on the opportunities for Ecuador in the relationship with the European Union. The conference was organised by the Andean Centre for International Studies, the Department of Integration Germánico Salgado and the Jean Monnet European Studies Module of the Andean University Simón Bolívar in Ecuador.

The President began her presentation with a brief overview of the strategic partnership in the changing international scenario. Then she examined the opportunities that this bi-regional relationship presents to Ecuador. Finally, the potential contribution of the EU-LAC Foundation to strengthen Ecuador's relationship with the EU, within the framework of the strategic partnership between the two regions was outlined.

"The EU's relationship with Ecuador can still be strengthened through various opportunities available in the framework of the strategic partnership on central issues such as infrastructure development, support for education, the internationalization of SMEs and public security. This set of topics is based on a common interest: sustainable development. The EU-LAC Foundation can make an important contribution in this context through its four programs. Our activities are a clear example of this contribution, and the Foundation is always open to proposals of its members to carry out projects that bring added value and do not duplicate existing initiatives", the president concluded. 

Ms Ferrero-Waldner also took this opportunity to visit the Foreign Minister Ricardo Patiño in order to identify areas of work within the bi-regional relationship of particular interest for Ecuador and to attend a lunch organised by the German Chamber of Commerce in Quito.

Read the EU-LAC Foundation President’s speech [in Spanish] here.

Pictures courtesy of Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar.