Learn to innovate. Innovate to Learn: Impulso Latino

"America Today", a programme of Radio Exterior, open to public, focused on the topic "Learn to innovate. Innovate to Learn" is a part of the "Impulso Latino" series.

The development of new businesses and opportunities in the world of digital development companies have made innovation the cornerstone of the enterprise. This radio program open to the public attempts to analyze the keys aspects that promote the learning process as one of the top priorities of the Iberoamerican Comunity.


- Sofia Taibo, head of Think Big, Telefonica Foundation.

- Maria Pilar Laguna, Dean of the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences of the Rey Juan Carlos University.

- Ainhoa Zamora, a member of Team Labs.

- Teresa Montoro, journalist, RNE.

Impulso Latino

Integration and memory. A shared culture facilitates the integration of migrant or child of Latin American migrant into the social, political and economic life in Spain, the receiving country. But integration does not mean forgetting one's origins. The memory of the homeland enriches individual life time of his emigration community life in their adopted land.

Date: Tuesday, October 6, 2015.

Time: 19.00.

Admission until all seats are taken.

For furthermore information, visit the event's web page by clicking here.