Launching event and introduction to the Mural Painting by Honduran artist Javier Espinal exhibition

This exhibition will showcase photographs depicting Javier Espinal’s work throughout his tour around Europe from October 2014 to September 2015. Javier Espinal is a Honduran artist who since 1987 has developed muralismo colectivo (collective mural painting) and easel painting and has acted in both theatre and cinema productions.

He regards muralismo colectivo as a process that shows the potential of art to engage participants in a critical reflection about current political, cultural and economic issues concerning Central America and beyond. His work is rich in symbolism related to his Lenca origin and has reflected on political events that have greatly marked his life, such as the enforced disappearance of close friends during the 1980s or the repression that followed the 2009 coup in Honduras, and later the opposition by many Hondurans to several hydroelectric and mining projects. His more than 60 murals have decorated and covered walls of various Central American capitals as well as, more recently, cities in Italy and the UK. They have been painted with people from very different backgrounds, from artists and students to peasants and indigenous populations.

The opening of the exhibition will take place on Thursday 15th October 2015 at 6pm in the Senate House. The event will begin with a brief introduction to Honduras’s contemporary political situation —as the context in which Javier Espinal currently develops his murals— by a member of the Environmental Network for Central America (ENCA) in Room 234, followed by the exhibition opening in the lobby area of the second floor. Free entrance.

For furthermore information, visit the event's web page, by clicking here.